Friday, 2 December 2016

Transcription 1

Hello again! Now we are ready to start.

Listen to the following audio file and try and write down everything you hear!

The answer can be found here

Ascolta l'audio e scrivi tutto. Per la risposta, clicca qui.

Écrivez tout ce que vous entendez. La réponse se trouve ici.

Schreiben Sie alles, was sie hören. Danach kontrollieren Sie hier.

Aǔskultu kaj skribu ĉion. Kontrolu ĉi tie

إستمع إلي هذا ت وأكنتل كل ما تسمعه. الجواب موجود هنا 


  1. my name is join , I am 50 years old , and i go to school , in the south east of England , my favorite subject is math , i hate out , my hobbies football , and playing video games , my favorite food is Pisa , i do not work because i am too young

    1. Very good first attempt! If you go to you can see the answers.
      Remember the verb "to be". Also, you need a CAPITAL LETTER at the start of a sentence.

    2. Good luck learning English!

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